Tuesday, September 25, 2007



Que. Explain the meaning of Directing . State its features/ characteristics.
Ans. Directing the function of managements concerned with instructing, guiding, supervising, motivating & leading the subordinates to contribute to the best of their abilities for the achievement of organizational objectives. It is a continuous function of the management
The main characteristics of directing are discussed below:
(i) Directing initiates action: It makes uses of planning organizing & staffing & initiates action by issuing instructions to the subordinates & by supervising their work.
(ii) Directing takes place at every level of management: Every manager, from top executive to supervisor performs the function of directing. The directing takes place wherever superior – subordinate relations exist.
(iii) Directing is a continuous process: Directing is a continuous activity. It takes place throughout the life of the organisation because without direction the organisational activities can not continue further.
(iv) Directing flows from top to bottom: Directing is first initiated at top level and flows to the bottom through organisational hierarchy. It means that every manager can direct his immediate subordinate and take instructions from his immediate boss.

Que. What is importance of Directing?
Ans. Directing is the heart of the management process. Following points highlight the importance of Directing.
1. Initiates action: - It makes uses of planning organizing & staffing & initiates action by issuing instructions to the subordinates & by supervising their work.
2. Integrates the efforts of the employees: - It is the integrating function of management as it integrates group goals with organizational objectives. It integrates the efforts of employees by guiding instructing & inspiring.
3. Motivation: - It motivates the employees to contribute to the best of their abilities for the achievement of organisaional objectives.
4. Brings stability: - It brings stability & balance in organization through effective communication, leadership, supervision & motivation.
5. Facilitates changes: - It enables the organisation to cope with the changing business environment through effective communication & leadership.

Que. Explain the principles of Directing?
Ans. Directing is a complex managerial function consisting of all the activities that are designed to encourage subordinates to work effectively. The principles which guide effective directing may be classified as principles related to the purpose of directing and principles related to direction process.
(i) Maximum individual contribution: This principle states that directing techniques must help every individual in the organization to contribute to his maximum potential for achievement of organisational objectives. It should bring out untappted energies of employees for the efficiency of organisation.
(ii) Harmony of objectives: The interest of workers & management are the different. Workers want more pay & management wants greater production. But, good directing should provide harmony by convincing that employee rewards and work efficiency are complimentary to each other.. By producing more, workers can earn more.
(iii) Unity of Command: This principle states that subordinates should receive orders and be accountable to one and only one superior. No employee should receive instructions from more than one person. This principle is necessary to avoid confusion and conflict. Moreover, when there is unity of command it is easy to fix responsibility for mistakes.
(iv) Appropriateness of direction technique: According to this principle, appropriate motivational and leadership technique should be used while directing the people based on subordinate needs, capabilities, attitudes and other situational variables.
(v) Managerial communication: Effective managerial communication across all the levels in the
organisation makes direction effective. Directing should convey clear instructions to create total understanding to subordinates. Through proper feedback, the managers should ensure that subordinate understands his instructions clearly.
(vi) Use of informal organisation: A manager should realise that informal groups or organizations exist within every formal organisation. He should spot and make use of such organisations for effective directing.
(vii) Leadership: While directing the subordinates, managers should exercise good leadership as it can influence the subordinates positively without causing dissatisfaction among them.
(viii) Follow through: Managers should follow up the given orders by reviewing continuously whether orders are being implemented accordingly.. If necessary, suitable modifications should be made in the directions to the managers for their contribution to increase profits of the company.

Que. What are the elements of Directing?
Ans. Directing includes the following elements:-
1. Supervision
2. Motivation .
3. Leadership
4 Communication

Que. Define the term ‘Supervision’. State its importance.
Ans. The word supervision consists of two part super & vision. Super means over and above & vision is the art of seeing objects or viewing mental images or looking over. Supervision means overseeing from above by a superior to ensure that the subordinates are working in accordance to plans & schedules & to help them in solving their work problems.


Following points highlight the importance of Supervision
(1) Scheduling activity – The supervisor prepares the schedule of the workers to ensure that each work is completed according to schedule.
(2) Instructions & guidance. The supervisor issues instructions to subordinate & guide them to resolve their problems.
(3) Optimal utilisation of resources:- If the work is supervised, guided, while the progress is on , it leads to minimum waste of time and resources.
(4) Controlling – The supervisor controls the work & the workers. He regulates the performance of workers & takes remedies action whenever necessary.
(5) Motivation. The supervisor motivates the employees. He inspires workers to work better.
(6) Linking Pin – The supervisor acts as a linking pin between the top management & workers. On the one hand he communicates management’s decisions to the workers & implements plans and policies of management. On the other hand he communicates suggestions & complains of the worker to higher level managements.
(7) Reporting. The supervisor prepares periodic reports.
(i) On the progress of work entrusted to him.
(ii) On the fulfillment of planned work.
(iii) On the performance of his subordinates
He sends reports to top management on a regular basis.

Que. Explain the term Motivation.
Ans. Motivation may be defined as the process of inspiring the people at work to contribute to the best of their abilities for the achievement of organizational objectives. It is a psychological phenomenon, which arises from the feelings & needs of individuals. It involves creation of a will to work or to work more or work better.

Que. State the features of Motivation.
Ans. Features of Motivation: Following are the features of motivation:
(i) Motivation is an internal feeling. The urge, drives, desires, aspirations or needs of human being, which are internal, influence human behaviour.
(ii) Motivation produces goal directed behaviour.For example, the promotion in the job may be given to employee with the objective of improving his performance. If the employee is interested in promotion, it helps to produce a behaviour to improve performance.
(iii) Motivation can be either positive or negative. Positive motivation provides positive rewards like increase in pay, promotion, recognition etc., Negative motivation uses negative means like punishment, stopping increments, threatening etc. which also may induce a person to act in the desired way.
(iv) Motivation is a complex process as the individuals are same in their expectations, perceptions and reactions. Any type of motivation may not have uniform effect on all the members.

Que. Explain the process of Motivation with an example.
Ans. Motivation process is based on human needs. An unsatisfied need of an individual creates tension which stimulates his or her drives. These drives generate a search behaviour to satisfy such need. If such need is satisfied, the individual is relieved of tension.
Example: A clerk feels he is under paid and he feels a deficiency of income. To satisfy his need he searched for ways to satisfy it such as looking for a new job or working hard and earning promotion. He chooses any of the option and later evaluates the output. If his needs are satisfied he will look for future needs of his pay is not increased he many try look for an alternative option.

Que. State the importance Motivation.
Ans. Following points highlight the importance of Motivation.
(1) Activates human resources:- Motivation activates human resources by creating the will to work among human beings. Unless the human resources are activated the other physical & financial resources will remain idle.
(2) Improves the efficiency of workers:- The motivated employees work with improved efficiency. As a result quantity & quality of production is increased & cost of production is reduced.
(3) Ensures achievement of organizational goal:- Due to proper motivation the employees contribute to the best of their abilities for the achievement of organizational goals. All the resources are fully utilized which ensures achievement of predetermined objectives of the organization.
(4) Creates friendly & supportive relationship:- Motivation builds friendly & supportive relationships in the organization It reduces tension & industrial disputes. This results in higher production at lower cost.
(5) Leads To stability in work force:- Motivation creates confidence in the subordinates & secures their loyalty to the organization. They are satisfied with their working condition & prepared to remain a part of the organization.

Que. Explain Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. State its assumptions.
Ans. Abraham H. Maslow developed a theory on motivation on the basis of human needs.. Maslow proposed two things. He has identified the following categories of needs-

(1) Physiological needs:-These needs are related with the survival & maintenance of human life for example need for food, clothing and shelter.
(2) Safety and security needs:- Once physiological needs are satisfied people want to ensure that they continue to satisfy these needs even in future without interruption. These needs are safety based for example need for safety & freedom from fear & threat.
(3) Affiliation/Belonging Needs:These needs related to social interaction examples needs for love, affection & belongingness.
(4) Esteem needs: - It includes need for self respect recognition & respect from others.
(5) Self. Actualization needs- It includes need to grow need to sense of fulfillment

Maslow’s theory is based on the following assumptions:
(i) People’s behaviour is based on their needs. Satisfaction of such needs influences their behaviour.
(ii) People’s needs are in hierarchical order, starting from basic needs to other higher level needs.
(iii) A satisfied need can no longer motivate a person; only next higher level need can motivate him.
(iv) A person moves to the next higher level of the hierarchy only when the lower need is satisfied.
Most managers and non-managers believe that Maslow’s need hierarchy is concise and informative. It has gained wide acceptance. The theory provides an insight to managers, that they must be sensitive to needs of subordinates and provide environment for the satisfaction of their dominant needs.
Que. Explain different financial and non-financial incentives used to motivate employees of a company?
Ans. Incentive means all measures which are used to motivate people to improve performance. These incentives may be broadly classified as financial and non financial.
Financial Incentives: Financial incentives refer to incentives which are in direct monetary form or measurable in monetary term and serve to motivate people for better performance. The financial incentives generally used in organisations are listed below:
(i) Pay and allowances: For every employee, salary is the basic monetary incentive. It includes
basic pay, dearness allowance and other allowances. Salary system consists of regular increments in the pay every year and enhancement of allowances from time-to-time.
(ii) Productivity linked wage incentives: Several wage incentive plans aims at linking payment of wages to increase in productivity at individual or group level.
(iii) Bonus: Bonus is an incentive offered over and above the wages/ salary to the employees.
(iv) Profit Sharing: Profit sharing is meant to provide a share to employees in the profits of the organisation. This serves to motivate the employees to improve their performance and contribute to increase in profits.
(v) Copartnership/Stock option: Under these incentive schemes, employees are offered company shares at a set price which is lower than market price. The allotment of shares creates a feeling of ownership to the employees and makes them to contribute for the growth of the organisation.
(vi) Retirement Benefits: Several retirement benefits such as provident fund, pension, and
gratuity provide financial security to employees after their retirement.
(vii) Perquisites: In many companies perquisites and fringe benefits are offered such as car allowance, housing, medical aid, and education to the children etc., over and above the salary.

Non-Financial Incentives: All the needs of individuals are not satisfied by money alone. Psychological, social and emotional factors also play important role in providing motivation. Nonfinancial incentives mainly focus on these needs. Some of the important non-financial incentives are discussed below:
(i) Status: In the organizational context, status means ranking of positions in the organisation. Psychological, social and esteem needs of an individual are satisfied by status given to their job.
(ii) Organisational Climate: Organisational climate indicates the characteristics which describe an organisation and distinguish one organisation from the other. These characteristics influence the behaviour of individuals in the organisation..
(iii) Career Advancement Opportunity:Every individual wants to grow to the higher level in the organisation. Managers should provide opportunity to employees to improve their skills and be promoted to the higher level jobs.
(iv) Job Enrichment: Job enrichment is concerned with designing jobs that include greater variety of work content, require higher level of knowledge and skill; give workers more autonomy and responsibility; and provide the opportunity for personal growth and a meaningful work experience. If jobs are enriched and made interesting, the job itself becomes a source of motivation to the individual.
(v) Employee Recognition programmes: Most people have a need for evaluation of their work and due recognition. They feel that what they do should be recognised by others concerned. Some examples of employee recognition are Congratulating the employee for good performance, Displaying on the notice board or in the company news letter about the achievement of employee.
(vi) Job security: Employees want their job to be secure. They want certain stability about future income and work so that they do not feel worried on these aspects and work with greater zeal.
(vii) Employee participation: It means involving employees in decision making of the issues related to them. In many companies, these programmes are in practice in the form of joint management committees, work committees, canteen committees etc.,
(viii)Employee Empowerment: Empowerment means giving more autonomy and powers to subordinates. Empowerment makes people feel that their jobs are important.

Que. Define the term Leadership. State its elements of leadership process.
Ans.Leadership is the process of influencing the behavior of other people to work willingly towards the achievement of specified goals in a given situation. The interaction between the leader & his followers is based on inter personal relations. Leaders support & help to the followers in achieving their individual & group goals.
Elements of leadership process:-
(1) It is a process of influence.
(2) Its purpose is the influence the behavior of followers
(3) It involves interaction between two or more people.
(4) It involves pursuit of common goals.

Que. Explain the importance of Leadership.
Ans. Following points highlight the importance of Leadership
(1) Helps in guiding & inspiring employees. Leaders guide & inspire the employees towards better performance & help in achievement of organizational goal.
(2) Secures cooperation of members of the organisation:- Leader motivate employees to work cooperatively and willingly towards the achievement of goals.
(3) Creates confidence: - Leader creates confidence among the employees. He provides psychological support and infuses the spirit of enthusiasm in the followers by his conduct and expression.
(4) Develops and maintain an environment conductive of maximum work effort:- Leaders develop and maintain an environment for employees to contribute their maximum efforts towards attainment of organisational goals.
(5) Help in solving disputes between managers and workers:- Leader acts as an mediator in case of any dispute between the workers and the top management. He communicates expectations of the management to the workers and problems and grievances of the workers to the management.

Que. Explain the qualities of a good leader.
Ans. Following are the qualities of a leader that a manager must have:

1. Intelligence. He should be intelligent to examine problems in the right perspectives. He should take right decision at the right time in the interest of the organization
2. Communicative skill. He must be able to communicate clearly, precisely & effectively. He should have knowledge above the types methods & Channels of communication.
3. Objectivity. He should be objective. He should not be biased in his dealings with his subordinates.
4. Knowledge of work. He should have full knowledge of the work being performed under his supervision.
5. Human relations. He should develop & maintain personal relations with his followers.
6. Self-confidence & will power. He must have confidence in his own ability to lead others & have the required will power to meet the needs of every situation by adopting a suitable leadership style.
7. Empathy. The should have the ability to look at things from others point of view. He should have capacity to appreciate others.
8. Sense of responsibility. He should have a sense of responsibility towards the attainments of organisational goals. He should motivate himself & develop as urge to accomplish the objectives.
9. Sound health & stamina. A leader should have sound health both mental & physical & a good stamina.
10. Honesty & good character. A leader can influence the behaviors of the subordinates only if he has a sound character & he is honest in his dealings with others.

Que. Define the term ‘Communication’. State its features.
Ans. Communication means exchange of ideas, facts, opinions, information & understanding between two or more persons to achieve group objectives. Communication is a circular process. The person who sends the messages is known as sender and person who receives the responses to that message is known receiver and the response to that message is known as feedback. The process of communication is not complete unless the receivers understanding are known through his responses. The feed back required another message to be communicated by the sender & so on the communication process becomes a circular process.

Features of communication:
(1) It involves two or more parties to complete the process of communication
(2) It is a two way process which serves the purpose of mutual understanding of the parties.
(3) Communication is a pervasive activity.
(4) It is a continuous process.
(5) It is a circular process.

Que. Explain communication process and communication network.
Ans.The process of communication is essentially a two way process. It is a complex process with many people trying to communicate with each other. This may give rise to a great deal of distortion and many problems. The purpose of communication is lost if the process becomes complicated. By analyzing the communication process, it is clear that it a chain made up of identifiable links. Links in the process includes sender, encoding, transmission, decoding receiver and feed back.



The process of Communication


Communication network refers to the pattern through which members of a work groups communicate. The communication network among members of five-person work groups may take the form of wheel, chain, English letter ‘Y’, circle or all channel. These networks are presented in the following figure.



Wheel Chain



Circle All Channel

Network of Communication

Que. What is importance of communication?
Ans. Importance of communication
(1) Facilitates planning- Communication facilitates planning by providing such
information as is needed by planners.
(2) Help in decision making: – Communication help the management in decision
making by providing the required information needed. The quality of decision made in an organization depends largely on the amount & quality of information available to management.
(3) Facilitates coordination: - Communication facilitates coordination by providing upward, downward & horizontal interaction between members of different departments or sections at all levels of management.
(4) Improves superior subordinate relationship:–Communication help in improving relationship between superior and subordinates by removing misunderstanding & providing clear & accurate information in time.
(5) Helps the process of motivation & morale building: - Communication helps the process of motivation & morale building though sharing of information, consultation & discussion. It helps in changing the attitudes of people also.

Que. Explain different forms of organisational communication. State their respective advantages and disadvantages.
Ans. There are two types of communication, which take place in the organisation. These are: - Formal Communication, and Informal communication.


Formal communication refers to official communication which takes place following the chain of command. It is used for transmission of official messages within or outside the organization. It is mostly expressed in written form.
According to the direction of flow formal communication may be of four types:-

(1) Upward communication: – It refers to communication that takes place from a lower level position to a higher level position. It may consists of information relating to
(i) Subordinate’s work performance
(ii) Problems relating to work.
(iii) Suggestions or grievances etc.

This communication helps the management in taking various decisions. This communication may be written or oral.
(2) Downward communication: - It refers to communication that take place from higher level positions to lower level positions. This is related with plans & polices of organization. This may also includes orders & instructions, rules & procedures etc. The communication may be oral or written.
(3) Horizontal communication: - It refers to communication that takes place between the persons holding equal positions in the organization. This types of communication is necessary to coordinate different activities or to resolve interrelated problems of two or more departments.
(4) Diagonal communication: Flow of communication between the person of two departments, one holding a higher position than the other is known as diagonal communication. This type of communication prevents delays but may cause the feeling of being ignored in the superior, if his subordinate talks directly to managers of other departments. If this problem is taken care of diagonal communication is very fast and useful.

(1) It is systematic & orderly.
(2) The source of communication can easily be located.
(3) It helps in fixing responsibility.
(4) It helps in controlling the business affairs.
(5) It provides support to the authority of superiors over subordinations.

(1) It is a slow moving communication system.
(2) Personal in involvement is lacking because formal communication is mostly conveyed in an impersonal manner.
(3) There are chances of not providing accurate information when such information is likely to have unfavorable effects.
(4) It overloads higher authorities with work.


It refers to the communication which takes place on the basis of informal or social relations among people in an organization. It consists of exchange of ideas & information resulting from social interaction among the members of an organization. It does not follow officially established chain of command. It is mostly expressed in verbal form.
The network of informal communication is known as grape vine. This is because the origin and direction of the flow of informally conveyed messages can not be easily traced. Informal communication often leads to rumors.


(1) Employees can develop friendly relations & derive social satisfaction through informal exchange of ideas & information.
(2) It helps the members to discuss on the matters which cannot be done through official channel.
(3) It helps the members who are not linked through official chain of command, to communicate.
(4) It operates with greater speed and spreads very quickly.
(5) Employees reactions, responses & attitudes can be easily ascertain.

(1) Messages flowing through informal channels may be distorted as different persons passed on the message with different outlook & interpretation.
(2) It spreads rumors & develops misunderstanding.
(3) It is unsystematic & unreliable communication.
(4) Its origin cannot be traced hence responsibility cannot be fixed.
(5) Confidential information may be leaked through informal communication.

Que. Distinguish between formal and informal communication.

Basis of difference
Formal communication
Informal communication
1. Meaning
It refers to communication which follows the officially established chain of command & line of communication.
It refers to communication which is independent of the official lines of communication.
2. Speed
It is a slow moving process.
It is a fast moving process.
3. Fixing of responsibility
It is easy to fix the responsibility in formal communication
It is not possible to fix the responsibility in informal communication.
4. Nature of messages
It consists of work related matters.
It may consist of work related as well as social matters.
5. Direction of flow
It is orderly & systematic
It is unsystematic & erratic.
6. Needs served
Its serves organizational needs
It serves organisational as well as social needs.
7. Channels of communication
It is mostly expressed in written from
It is mostly expressed in verbal form
8. Rumors
It often does not lead to rumors.
It often leads to rumors
9. Authenticity
Messages are authentic.
Messages may not be authentic.
10. Personal touch
It is mostly conveyed in an impersonal manner
It is mostly conveyed in personal manner.

Que. Explain oral communication and written communication. State their advantages and disadvantages. Distinguish between the two.
Oral communication refers to messages sent or received verbally. It includes face to face contact interviews joint consultations. It usually takes place when superiors give instructions to subordinates or when discussion is held in committee meetings, conference etc.
(1) It permits detailed explanation & clarification of doubts.
(2) It can be transmitted quickly if the messages are brief.
(3) It gives communication a personal touch.
(4) It is useful at the operational level.
(5) Reaction of the receiver can be known quickly & clarification if required can be given immediately.

(1) There is no record of the communication made. It cannot be verified afterwards.
(2) Oral transmission is more costly for distant places.
(3) Oral communication may not be taken seriously by the receiver of the message.
(4) It may be difficult to act on an oral communication if details are missing or forgotten.


Written communication refers to messages conveyed in written form. It includes the messages in the form of letters, notices, circulars, memoranda etc.
(1) It can be verified from the written records.
(2)It can be expressed in précised term after due thought.
(3)It is taken more seriously & is binding on the parties involved.
(4)It becomes easier to act upon written communication.
(5)Physical presence of the communicator is not required.
(1) It is vary expensive & time consuming for lengthy messages sent through telegram or fax.
(2) Clarifications if needed cannot be given immediately.
(3) Response is not instantly available.
(4) It may not be suitable for all purposes.
(5) It may tend to be impersonal.


Point of difference
Oral communication
Written communication
It refers to massage sent or receive verbally
It refers to message sent on received in a written form
2. Verifiability
It cannot be verified afterwards
It can be verified afterwards.
3. Economy
It is not economical for distant places
It is more economical
4. Precision
It may not be very precise
It can be expressed precisely.
Message can be quickly exchange.
Transmission takes more time.
6. Action
It may be difficult to act on oral communication if details are missing or forgotten
It is easier to act upon written communication
7. Seriousness
It may not be taken seriously by the parties involved
It is usually taken seriously by the parties involved
8. Personal touch
There is personal touch.
There is no personal touch.
9. Usefulness
It is useful at operational level of management
It is useful at top & middle level of management.
It is difficult to fix responsibility.
It is easy of fix responsibility.

Que. What are the barriers in effective communication.
Ans. The following are the important barrier to communication:-
(1) Selective Reception: - Selective reception occurs when people block out a part of the information. Specially if it disagrees with what they believe. In other words, people tend to hear only what they want to hear. As a result communication gets distorted.
(2) Poor listening skills:- Some people are poor listeners. When someone is talking to them they may be day-dreaming or having their attention elsewhere.
(3) Credibility of source:- Credibility of source refers to trust and confidence that the receiver has in the words and actions of the communication. The level of credibility that the receiver assigns to the sender of information, influences how the receiver views and reacts to the information communicated.
(4) Predispositions:- Sometimes people develop a certain idea or opinion about a phenomenon. They bring such predispositions to the communication process The receivers interpretation of the message is colored by the biases and predispositions.
(5) Status differences:- Effectiveness of communication is adversely affected when status of communicators is not equal. It has often been observed that people with higher position or status in the organization discount a suggestion from the lower ranks.
(6) Screening or filtering:- Many managers at higher levels do not receive accurate feedback or information because subordinates supply information which gives a favourable impression of the sender. Unpleasant information is held back or postponed from being transmitted.
(7) Fear:- Subordinate may not disclose the facts fully because of the fear of the consequences of such disclosure. They may deliberately mislead the superior to seek clarification due to the feeling that it will lower down their prestige.
(8) Complex organizational structures: - An organizational structure having several layers of supervision, use of staff specialists and a long chain of command is a major barrier to effective communication.

Que. Define the term Leadership. State its elements features.
Ans.Leadership is the process of influencing the behavior of other people to work willingly towards the achievement of specified goals in a given situation. The interaction between the leader & his followers is based on inter personal relations. Leaders support & help to the followers in achieving their individual & group goals.
Features of leadership
An examination of the above definition reveals the following important features of leadership:
(i) Leadership indicates ability of an individual to influence others.
(ii) Leadership tries to bring change in the behaviour of others.
(iii) Leadership indicates interpersonal relations between leaders and followers.
(iv) Leadership is exercised to achieve common goals of the organisation.
(v) Leadership is a continuous process.

Que. Explain the importance of Leadership.
Ans. Following points highlight the importance of Leadership
(6) Helps in guiding & inspiring employees. Leaders guide & inspire the employees towards better performance & help in achievement of organizational goal.
(7) Secures cooperation of members of the organisation:- Leader motivate employees to work cooperatively and willingly towards the achievement of goals.
(8) Creates confidence: - Leader creates confidence among the employees. He provides psychological support and infuses the spirit of enthusiasm in the followers by his conduct and expression.
(9) Develops and maintain an environment conductive of maximum work effort:- Leaders develop and maintain an environment for employees to contribute their maximum efforts towards attainment of organisational goals.
(10)Help in solving disputes between managers and workers:- Leader acts as an mediator in case of any dispute between the workers and the top management. He communicates expectations of the management to the workers and problems and grievances of the workers to the management..
(11) Provides training to subordinates Leader provides training to their subordinates. A good leader always builds up his successor and helps in smooth succession process

Que. Explain the qualities of a good leader.
Ans. Following are the qualities of a leader that a manager must have:
1. Intelligence. He should be intelligent to examine problems in the right perspectives. He should take right decision at the right time in the interest of the organization
2. Communicative skill. He must be able to communicate clearly, precisely & effectively. He should have knowledge above the types methods & Channels of communication.
3. Objectivity. He should be objective. He should not be biased in his dealings with his subordinates.
4. Knowledge of work. He should have full knowledge of the work being performed under his supervision.
5. Human relations. He should develop & maintain personal relations with his followers.
6. Self-confidence & will power. He must have confidence in his own ability to lead others & have the required will power to meet the needs of every situation by adopting a suitable leadership style.
7. Empathy. The should have the ability to look at things from others point of view. He should have capacity to appreciate others.
8. Sense of responsibility. He should have a sense of responsibility towards the attainments of organisational goals. He should motivate himself & develop as urge to accomplish the objectives.
9. Sound health & stamina. A leader should have sound health both mental & physical & a good stamina.
10. Honesty & good character. A leader can influence the behaviors of the subordinates only if he has a sound character & he is honest in his dealings with others.

Que. Define the term ‘Communication’. State its features.
Ans. Communication means exchange of ideas, facts, opinions, information & understanding between two or more persons to achieve group objectives. Communication is a circular process. The person who sends the messages is known as sender and person who receives the responses to that message is known receiver and the response to that message is known as feedback. The process of communication is not complete unless the receivers understanding are known through his responses. The feed back required another message to be communicated by the sender & so on the communication process becomes a circular process.

Que. Explain elements of communication process.
Ans. The elements involved in communication process are explained below:
(i) Sender: Sender means person who conveys his thoughts or ideas to the receiver. The sender represents source of communication.
(ii) Message: It is the content of ideas, feelings, suggestions, order etc., intended to be communicated.
(iii) Encoding: It is the process of converting the message into communication symbols such as words, pictures, gestures etc.,
(iv) Media: It is the path though which encoded message is transmitted to receiver. The channel may be in written form, face to face, phone call, internet etc.,
(v) Decoding: It is the process of converting encoded symbols of the sender.
(vi) Receiver: The person who receives communication of the sender.
(vii) Feedback: It includes all those actions of receiver indicating that he has received and understood message of sender.
(viii) Noise: Noise means some obstruction or hindrance to communication. This hindrance may be caused to sender, message or receiver. Some examples of noise are:
(a) Ambiguous symbols that lead to faulty encoding.
(b) A poor telephone connection.
(c) An inattentive receiver.
(d) Faulty decoding (attaching wrong meanings to message).
(e) Prejudices obstructing the poor understanding of message.
(f ) Gestures and postures that may distort the message.

Que. What is importance of communication?
Ans. Following points highlight the importance of communication
(i) Acts as basis of coordination: Communication facilitates coordination by providing upward, downward & horizontal interaction between members of different departments or sections at all levels of management.
(ii) Helps in smooth working of an enterprise: Communication makes possible for the smooth and unrestricted working of the enterprise. All organizational interactions depend on communications.
(iii) Acts as basis of decision making: Communication help the management in decision making by providing the required information needed. The quality of decision made in an organization depends largely on the amount & quality of information available to management.
(iv) Increases managerial efficiency: Communication is essential for quick and effective performance of managerial functions. The management conveys the goals and targets, issues instructions, allocates jobs and responsibilities and looks after the performance of subordinates. Communication is involved in all these aspects.
(v) Promotes cooperation and industrial peace: Efficient operation is possible only when there is industrial peace in the factory and mutual cooperation between management and workers. The two way communication promotes cooperation and mutual understanding between the management and workers.
(vi) Establishes effective leadership: Communication is the basis of leadership. Effective communication helps to influence subordinates.
(vii) Boosts morale and provides motivation: Communication helps the process of motivation & morale building though sharing of information, consultation & discussion. It helps in changing the attitudes of people also.

Que. Explain different forms of formal organisational communication.
Ans. There are two types of communication, which take place in the organisation. These are: - Formal Communication, and Informal communication.


Formal communication refers to official communication which takes place following the chain of command. It is used for transmission of official messages within or outside the organization. It is mostly expressed in written form.
According to the direction of flow formal communication may be of four types:-

(2) Upward communication: – It refers to communication that takes place from a lower level position to a higher level position. It may consists of information relating to
(iv) Subordinate’s work performance
(v) Problems relating to work.
(vi) Suggestions or grievances etc.

This communication helps the management in taking various decisions. This communication may be written or oral.
(2) Downward communication: - It refers to communication that take place from higher level positions to lower level positions. This is related with plans & polices of organization. This may also includes orders & instructions, rules & procedures etc. The communication may be oral or written.
(3) Horizontal communication: - It refers to communication that takes place between the persons holding equal positions in the organization. This types of communication is necessary to coordinate different activities or to resolve interrelated problems of two or more departments.
Que. Explain communication network in formal communicaiton.
Ans. The pattern through which communication flows within the organisation is generally indicated through communication network. Different types of communication networks may operate in formal organisation. Some of the popular communication networks are presented and discussed in given figure.
(i) Single chain: This network exists between a supervisor and his subordinates. Since many levels exist in an organisation structure, communication flows from every superior to his subordinate through single chain.
(ii) Wheel: In wheel network, all subordinates under one superior communicate through him only as he acts as a hub of the wheel. The subordinates are not allowed to talk among themselves.
(iii) Circular: In circular network, the communication moves in a circle. Each person can communicate with his adjoining two persons. In this network, communication flow is slow.
(iv) Free flow: In this network, each person can communicate with others freely. The flow of communication is fast in this network.
(v) Inverted V: In this network, a subordinate is allowed to communicate with his immediate superior as well as his superiors superior. However, in later case, only prescribed communication takes place.

Que. Define informal communitcaion.
Ans. It refers to the communication which takes place on the basis of informal or social relations among people in an organization. It consists of exchange of ideas & information resulting from social interaction among the members of an organization. It does not follow officially established chain of command. It is mostly expressed in verbal form.
The network of informal communication is known as grapevine. This is because the origin and direction of the flow of informally conveyed messages can not be easily traced. Informal communication often leads to rumors.
Que. Explain communication network in grapevine communication.
Ans. Grapevine communication may follow different types of network. Some of these networks are shown in figure given below.
In single strand network, each person communicates to the other in sequence.
In gossip network, each person communicates with all on non selective basis.
In probability network, the individual communicates randomly with other individual.
In cluster, the individual communicates with only those people whom he trusts.

Que. Distinguish between formal and informal communication.

Basis of difference
Formal communication
Informal communication
1. Meaning
It refers to communication which follows the officially established chain of command & line of communication.
It refers to communication which is independent of the official lines of communication.
2. Speed
It is a slow moving process.
It is a fast moving process.
3. Fixing of responsibility
It is easy to fix the responsibility in formal communication
It is not possible to fix the responsibility in informal communication.
4. Nature of messages
It consists of work related matters.
It may consist of work related as well as social matters.
5. Direction of flow
It is orderly & systematic
It is unsystematic & erratic.
6. Needs served
Its serves organizational needs
It serves organisational as well as social needs.
7. Channels of communication
It is mostly expressed in written from
It is mostly expressed in verbal form
8. Rumors
It often does not lead to rumors.
It often leads to rumors
9. Authenticity
Messages are authentic.
Messages may not be authentic.
10. Personal touch
It is mostly conveyed in an impersonal manner
It is mostly conveyed in personal manner.

Que. What are the barriers in effective communication.
Ans. The barriers to communication in the organisations can be broadly grouped as: semantic barriers, psychological barriers, organisational barriers, and personal barriers. These are discussed below:
Semantic barriers: Semantic barriers are concerned with problems and obstructions in the process of encoding and decoding of message into words or impressions. Normally, such barriers result on account of use of wrong words, faulty translations, different interpretations etc. These are discussed below:
(i) Badly expressed message: Some times intended meaning may not be conveyed by a manager to his subordinates. These badly expressed messages may be an account of inadequate vocabulary, usage of wrong words, omission of needed words etc.
(ii) Symbols with different meanings: A word may have several meanings. Receiver has to perceive one such meaning for the word used by communicator.
(iii) Faulty translations: Sometimes the communications originally drafted in one language (e.g., English) need to be translated to the language understandable to workers (e.g., Hindi). If the translator is not proficient with both the languages, mistakes may creep in causing different meanings to the communication.
(iv) Unclarified assumptions: Some communications may have certain assumptions which are subject to different interpretations.
(v) Technical jargon: It is usually found that specialists use technical jargon while explaining to persons who are not specialists in the concerned field. Therefore, they may not understand the actual meaning of many such words.
(vi) Body language and gesture decoding: Every movement of body communicates some meaning. If there is no match between what is said and what is expressed in body movements, communications may be wrongly perceived.

Psychological barriers: Emotional or psychological factors acts as barriers to communicators. Some of the psychological barriers are:
(i) Premature evaluation: Some times people evaluate the meaning of message before the sender completes his message..
(ii) Lack of attention: The preoccupied mind of receiver and the resultant non-listening of message acts as a major psychological barrier.
(iii) Loss by transmission and poor retention: When communication passes through various levels, successive transmissions of the message results in loss of, or transmission of inaccurate information.
(iv) Distrust: Distrust between communicator and communicate acts as a barrier. If the parties do not believe each other, they can not understand each others message in its original sense.

Organisational barriers: The factors related to organisation structure, authority relationships, rules and regulations may, sometimes, act as barriers to effective communication. Some of these barriers are:
(i) Organisational policy: If the organisational policy, explicit or implicit, is not supportive to free flow of communication, it may hamper effectiveness of communications
(ii) Rules and regulations: Rigid rules and procedures may be a hurdle to communication. Similarly, communications through prescribed channel may result in delays.
(iii) Status: Status of superior may create psychological distance between him and his subordinates. A status conscious manager also may not allow his subordinates to express their feelings freely.
(iv) Complexity in organisation structure: In an organisation where there are number of managerial levels, communication gets delayed and distorted as number of filtering points are more.
(v) Organisational facilities: If facilities for smooth, clear and timely communications are not provided communications may be hampered. Facilities like frequent meetings, suggestion box, complaint box, social and cultural gathering, transparency in operations etc., will encourage free flow of communication. Lack of these facilities may create communication problems.
Personal barriers: The personal factors of both sender and receiver may exert influence on effective communication. Some of the personal barriers of superiors and subordinates
are mentioned below:
(i) Fear of challenge to authority: If a superior perceives that a particular communication may adversely affect his authority, he or she may withhold or suppress such communication.
(ii) Lack of confidence of superior on his subordinates: If superiors do not have confidence on the competency of their subordinates, they may not seek their advice or opinions.
(iii) Unwillingness to communicate: Sometimes, subordinates may not be prepared to communicate with their superiors, if they perceive that it may adversely affect their interests.
(iv) Lack of proper incentives: If there is no motivation or incentive for communication, subordinates may not take initiative to communicate.

Que. Suggest measures to overcome barriers of communication.
Ans. The barriers to effective communication exists in all organizations. Organisations should adopt suitable measures to overcome the barriers and improve communication effectiveness. Some such measures are indicated below:
(i) Clarify the ideas before communication: The problem to be communicated to subordinates should be clear in all its perspective to the executive himself. The entire problem should be studied in depth, analysed and stated in such a manner that is clearly conveyed to subordinates.
(ii) Communicate according to the needs of receiver: The level of understanding of receiver should be clear to the communicator. Manager should adjust his communication according to the education and understanding levels of subordinates.
(iii) Consult others before communicating: Before actually communicating the message, it is better to involve others in developing a plan for communication. Participation and involvement of subordinates may help to gain ready acceptance and willing cooperation of subordinates.
(iv) Be aware of languages, tone and content of message: The contents of the message, tone, language used, manner in which the message is to be communicated are the important aspects of effective communication. The language used should be understandable to the receiver and should not offend the sentiments of listeners.
(v) Convey things of help and value to listeners: While conveying message to others, it is better to know the interests and needs of the people with whom you are communicating. If the message relates directly or indirectly to such interests and needs it certainly evokes response from the listeners..
(vi) Ensure proper feedback: The communicator may ensure the success of communication by asking questions regarding the message conveyed. The communication process may be improved by the feedback received to make it more responsive.
(vii) Communicate for present as well as future: Generally, communication is needed to meet the existing commitments, to maintain consistency, the communication should aim at future goals of the enterprise also.
(viii) Follow up communications: There should be regular follow up and review on the instructions given to subordinates.
(ix) Be a good listener: Manager should be a good listener. Patient and attentive listening solves half of the problems.

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